Ipainia established Diplomatic Relations with Marxgrado and Rino Island

Rino Island and Marxgrado signed the treaty yesterday. TARMERD 2015 The Firm and / or update of the Treaty of Friendship, Mutual recognition and Establishment of Diplomatic Relations also known as TFMREDR is an event that takes place in Ipainia. This event lasts until the end of the year. By now, two treaties have been signed: IPAINIA AND RINO ISLAND Rino Island sign the treaty yesterday and established Carlos Sancho Santana as ambassor. On the other hand, Ipainia established Sam Waves as ambassor. You can see the treaty (in spanish) in the following link: http://issuu.com/ipainia/docs/tratado_rino_island/1 IPAINIA AND MARXGRADO Marxgrado sign the treaty yesterday and established Stefano Mella as ambassor. On the other hand, Ipainia established Hayes Schwarz as ambassor. You can see the treaty (in spanish) in the following link: http://issuu.com/ipainia/docs/tratado_marxgrado/1 Bandera actual de Marxgrado

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